Supercuts i Lincoln Park

Forenede StaterSupercuts



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60, Beaverbrook Road, 07035, Lincoln Park, Morris County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-694-1740
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.925071, Longitude: -74.307686

kommentar 5

  • Mark Vanderhoff

    Mark Vanderhoff


    The girls are great here!

  • en

    Linda Brennan


    Haircut, color and wax were amazing. Wendy and Natalie are great. Went above and beyond to give me what I wanted and I’m so happy!

  • en

    Angel Castaneda


    Very professional hair cut from Natalie and Wendy the manager was very hospitable as well. I highly recommend this place!

  • en

    Wendy Gorek


    Hello, my name is Wendy As of September 15 2017 I am the new manager of Lincoln Park Super Cuts! I apologize for past inconveniences, and look foward to servicing your future hair care needs! Supercuts mission is to deliver friendly, efficient, quality services at affordable prices for our customers! Men, women, and children! My sincere thanks to all of our loyal customers! Thank you again, your feed back is very important to me, Sincerely, Wendy

  • PreferredCheese



    No organization, they make you go on a pointless list. There is no first come first serve system, I have been waiting for about an hour when I didn't see any of the people here when I first got in from when I eventually got the hair cut.

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