Princess Nail & Spa i Lincoln Park

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60, Beaverbrook Road, 07035, Lincoln Park, Morris County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-696-3613
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Latitude: 40.9253694, Longitude: -74.3089113

kommentar 1

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    Kristen Galardi


    I received a gift certificate for a manicure and unfortunately, with the birth of my daughter, it expired before I was able to use it. (I wasn't able to get there within the 3 months of the certificate date since you shouldn't inhale fumes while pregnant, and my newborn ended up in the hospital shortly after birth. It expired while I was in the children's hospital stay.) Seeing as they are a small and seemingly a welcoming establishment I inquired if they would be willing to still honor the certificate. I was really disappointed that they were unwilling, but more importantly, they actually laughed at the thought of it. Who ever laughs at a client's question??? Really poor client service and because of their lack of manners I will not be recommending Princess Nails to anyone.

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