Supercuts w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneSupercuts



🕗 godziny otwarcia

254, East Congress Street, 85701, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-623-3740
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2219417, Longitude: -110.9679318

komentarze 5

  • Kalli Haynes

    Kalli Haynes


    We showed up about 5 minutes before they opened today; we just waited and she took us right away. There was only one woman on staff, but she made it a point to make the most of her time and get everyone covered. She colored my hair and then gave my husband a hair cut. Once she was done, she moved on to another customer who was patiently waiting. Then finished us up when she could. It was a great experience with a great stylist.

  • Maximo Dell'Oliver

    Maximo Dell'Oliver


    Breezy gave me a haircut this evening, and it was seriously the best I've had in years. My hair isn't super complicated, but I never seem to be able to get it cut right. I'm glad to have found my go-to here in Tucson, and she was very sweet also. If you see this, thanks Breezy

  • Sarah Henderson

    Sarah Henderson


    Suzie at this location is fantastic. She was the only one there at the time and already had someone waiting. She worked so adeptly and professionally and was glad she would be cutting my long hair. She did a great job on it and gave me exactly what I requested. It looks great! I've gotten a lot of compliments in the one day since I got it done. Thanks, Suzie!

  • en

    Elizabeth Wirsching


    Brianna did an amazing job on my hair. She didn't go crazy, cutting off more than needed, and took time to dry and style it. So happy with the results. She is amazing!

  • Jeffrey Jordan

    Jeffrey Jordan


    Have been to the Congress location for 7 haircuts in the last 18 months or so. Had 4 different stylists. Every single stylist took their time and did an incredible job. Best location experience in Tucson so far. Today's stylist, Suzie, was just like the others in that she knew exactly what I was shooting for and nailed it. They are consistently polite and do not rush. Great place and highly recommend. 5/5 stars

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