greentoes w Tucson

Stany Zjednoczonegreentoes



🕗 godziny otwarcia

529, North 6th Avenue, 85705, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 520-777-6281
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.228458, Longitude: -110.969086

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sarah Gomez


    I love Greentoes! They're by far the best spa in the Tucson area. I frequent every three weeks for a manicure, pedicure and massage. I leave feeling totally rejuvenated and my hands and feet always look amazing. Thank you for treating me with such quality and professionalism every time I visit your spa.

  • Rachel Tackitt

    Rachel Tackitt


    My husband purchased me a spa day at Greentoes, so I got to test out everything they offered. Their massage therapist, Reed, was fantastic. She was very receptive to my feedback and gave a wonderful massage. I've been looking for a new masseuse and there's a good chance I'll be visiting Reed again. The esthetician, Paula, gave a me a great facial. It was my first one, so she walked me through each step and explained everything she was doing. She also gave a delightful little neck and shoulder rub while we waited. The part that I found less than five star was the manicure and pedicure. Perhaps my expectations were too high after my earlier stellar service, but I felt they were anticlimactic in comparison. The did an adequate job cleaning up my cuticles, trimming and shaping my nails, and applying color. The hand and foot massage was very light and felt rushed. My manicure and pedicure do look great, but I felt it was overpriced. In the end, the spa doesn't smell like acetone. It has a great atmosphere and some wonderful people working in it.

  • meghancookie



    I went there with my family for my sisters wedding, we got our toe nails and finger nails done. The toes were amazing, the massage and the people were nice. The fingers were also good, although the skin below my nails were filed down and massaged, that hurt a bit. But overall it was good!

  • en

    Bre Harmon


    I had a lovely pedicure at Greentoes. I chose the private room in which I enjoyed a peaceful atmosphere as well as some excellent green tea and a hot pad for my neck as well. The products they use smell amazing and feel just as good. It was far more than I expected! I know that I will be back and I’ll be referring anyone who asks me😊

  • en

    Susan Hitchye


    First time I've visited this establishment. It was wonderful. I've been to several high-end spas and NONE compare to this place. Great atmosphere. Beautiful interior. Exceptional customer service. I will be visiting again... soon.

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