Supercuts en New Hyde Park

Estados UnidosSupercuts



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2087, Hillside Avenue, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-327-9595
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7517, Longitude: -73.674227

comentarios 5

  • Betty Robles

    Betty Robles


    Anna always gives my a great haircut.

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    Dipika Kaushik


    The girls were friendly and good

  • Jason Manzano

    Jason Manzano


    able to call in advance to skip wait times and also has a convenient app.

  • Cindy Griffiths

    Cindy Griffiths


    Im very satisfied with my cut! I was the first cut/walk-in of the day yesterday. The place was clean and organized. The stylist, Andrea, listened to my complaints and desires for my hair and offered her knowledgeable opinion. I didn't change my hair style completely , but was thinking I just needed a good trim. Today is day two after the cut and I'm so pleased. In fact, I like it better than I thought I would. It's got more shape and style. She cut off just the right amount (which was more than I was initially going in for), but it's great. Thanks Andrea!

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    Shabab Ali


    Made an appointment for 2:45, came in at 2:30, sat there until 4pm, while other people who came in after got taken before me. Haircuts aren't bad, (that's the reason for the extra star) but whats the point on making an appointment for a time and get seen 1 1/2 hrs later. I have been a long life Supercuts customer, but after this experience I am contemplating on coming here again...

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