Supercuts w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneSupercuts



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15541, Old Hickory Boulevard, 37211, Nashville, Davidson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 615-331-3909
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 36.0394918, Longitude: -86.7412863

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sidhartha Suvarna


    Very very bad haircut service, the guy who works there is very pathetic. very much disappointed with this kind of haircut, he did a very bad job. Not even a single star can be given. my sincere advice, IGNORE THIS PLACE.

  • en

    Null Ellis


    Absolute hatchet job on my kids hair.

  • Dillon Ocaña

    Dillon Ocaña


    Horrible place to get your haircut! And whomever the Asian guy is there, he is horrible!

  • Taylor Dow

    Taylor Dow


    This was a really nice supercuts. It's very clean and I didn't have to wait long at all. I had Jannie, who did an awesome job and was extremely friendly and easy to talk to! I really liked how quick and how well she cut my hair.

  • en

    Jolene Theresa


    I'm not very picky about my haircuts and I was under the impression that they had profiles at Supercuts that held notes with the type of cut I always get. If not, then I've had some very well informed hairdressers previously because for the past 5+ years across multiple states they've always known that I don't want a wash or dry and I just want angles with slight layers. Sounds simple, right? The 2 stars here are for the wonderful first experience with a woman at this location about 6 months ago on a Sunday morning (she deserves 5 stars). The lack of stars are for the experience this week where I went to get a birthday haircut cut, left crying and immediately had to go get it fixed. The man pulled my hair back as if to put it in a pony tail and simply blunt cut the end. This, of course, meant that my hair was shorter in the back and longer in the front. To "fix" this, he proceeded to blunt cut the front. My hair was now 2 distinct lengths. Needless to say, after the 5 min cut I said thanks, jumped out of the chair, paid him (with sympathy tip as he hovered over me) and ran out. He was polite but should have told me he does not know how to cut women's hair. I have been told this before at a different Supercuts location and much appreciated the honesty versus the botched haircut. I had to frantically call a stylist to fix it.

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