Super Bakery i Cleveland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSuper Bakery


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1667, East 40th Street, 44103, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 216-426-8989
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Latitude: 41.5110736, Longitude: -81.6591765

kommentar 5

  • en

    Haley P


    I love Super Bakery products. I work in a facility where they are manufactured and I can assure you that only the best high quality ingredients go in to these delicious products. They definitely aren't for everyone as the whole wheat has a different taste than a normal donut or donut stick. But this ups the nutrition value and makes you feel a little better about eating a sweet treat. The chocolate covered whole wheat donuts are my favorite. I really wish you could purchase these in stores! And I'm confused as to why someone would rate Super Bakery 1 start for "not being an actual bakery"'s a company name. That's a little ignorant.

  • Jae Young Lee

    Jae Young Lee


    This donut is very bad

  • HarrisonVsGaming



    Im tired of eating stale donuts for school. This needs to be changed. I thought this was super donuts. Not crappy donuts.

  • en

    big bob


    Love the donuts it reminds me of when I was a kid !

  • en

    Joseph Aravich


    Not an actual bakery...

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