Koko Bakery i Cleveland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterKoko Bakery



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3710, Payne Avenue, 44114, Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 216-881-7600
internet side: kokosbakery.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.5093553, Longitude: -81.6624423

kommentar 5

  • Rachel



    Good Asian market bakery. Always fresh pastries with staples like milk, red bean, and taro buns. They have a variety of loaves and teas. They also have a refrigerated cakes with decent cool desserts like mousse and cheesecake. The downside is that they seem to frequently overcharge us, never fails that something rings up incorrectly and I don't see it until I get home. They are always out of everything by evening on a Friday or Saturday which seems like poor planning because they still have business buying the pastries and expressing dismay that nothing is available.

  • David Barens

    David Barens


    Some extremely great sweets and buns can be found here. Come early as the sweets and buns are made fresh daily and when they are sold out, they are sold out. Great smoothies too!

  • xfangx37



    I drive almost an hour just to visit this bakery. The baked goods are always so fresh and absolutely delicious. Last time I was there I also tried ordering a sandwich and bubble tea. I highly suggest the blueberry bubble tea, it was my favorite. And the sandwich was much bigger than I thought it would be. It was also really good. Make sure you get there early because they sell out of many of the baked goods by the middle of the day.

  • en

    Nadine Heart


    I love the vibe here. It is trendy, but relaxing. The beef curry buns are the best! The creamy milk buns have a sweet custard-like filling. It is sweet AND savory. For $10.50 my daughter and I both had three buns and a drink each. The girls who work the counter are sweet and friendly.

  • Nicholas Husni

    Nicholas Husni


    This is the best bubble tea in Cleveland in my opinion. It's not quite as good as the shops around my condo in Flushing New York, but it's really very good, and the freshness of the bubbles is always great. The bakery items are very good as well. They also have many lunch options, such as rice bowls with chicken katsu that are delicious. It's also locally-owned.

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