Sunrise Auto Sales w Milwaukie

Stany ZjednoczoneSunrise Auto Sales



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15555, Southeast McLoughlin Boulevard, 97267, Milwaukie, Clackamas County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 503-762-1333
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.410241, Longitude: -122.628496

komentarze 5

  • en

    Eric Hensel


    The good is that sales staff was very friendly. They gave me some of the pizza they had left over from lunch since I had not had a chance to eat lunch or dinner and we did make a deal on a 2014 F350 King Ranch that i was told had no problems and had been inspected by their folks at the dealership. The stereo /entertainment system was fliering in and out which I thought was weird but the sales man said it was just trying to pickup a HD station and indicator came on which said check back up sensor. Well I was blinded by desire for this truck and blew both warning signals off and paid for it later. 175 dollars to replace a rear parking sensor and 300 for a new entertainment system that had a disc stuck in it that was causing the malfunction and was not repairable. I did contact the dealership to talk about these issues and was told he would look into it. Never heard back from them and figured that would be the case since I signed a AS is agreement. So there you have it. Trust your gut and not the dealership.

  • en

    jack Herkamp


    Tyler is the best salesman out there, couldn't be happier in my new 6.7 all thanks to him!

  • Greg Clipfell

    Greg Clipfell


    Bought a 2011 GMC quickly, Tyler was awesome and assisted to make my purchase smooth and fast! 2nd purchase at Sunrise and was just as great as the first one! Thank You!

  • en

    alaina a


    I purchased a Jeep Compass a few weeks back from Sunrise Auto and I really like it so far! It was exactly what I needed and the manager, Moss, was able to get me a great interest rate on my loan. Ostin was my salesman and he did a great job answering my questions and getting me done with paperwork quickly which is always great!

  • en

    michael gerbovitz


    My dad had went into a another dealer to buy a truck that was not what they said it was!!!( go figure!!!) He had drove in from the coast to buy that truck for that dealer to and was very upset when he got there. I live in California and could only help him by looking at the trucks on line. I found Sunrise Auto Sales on Craigslist looking for other trucks for him, I found some trucks online from their dealership gave them a call told them what was going on and they helped my father out with buying a truck!! The whole crew at Sunrise Auto Sales helped my father out we're polite and nice and I would recommend them to anybody to go buy a truck or car from them!!! thank you for your time and your help!!👍👍👍

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