SUBWAY®Restaurants en Peoria

Estados UnidosSUBWAY®Restaurants



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9163, West Union Hills Drive, 85382, Peoria, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 623-875-7887
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.6513981, Longitude: -112.2558204

comentarios 5

  • Andy Raymond

    Andy Raymond


    Old white and yellow lettuce, leftover ends of weird green peppers, I ask if they could just get some fresh vegetables to put on my $10 sandwich but it wasn't happening..Subway used to be great and a great value but not here not today. I think I would avoid this. There are some great old school sub shops nearby. I'm just going to say goodbye to bad value subway and start going to these local great subshops not part of a sad chain..Goodbye Subway! I have been going to you since 1982 in Fort Lauderdale..It was a good run ! All my best..

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    Amber Odette


    Worse experience ever with subway ordered a salad and asked double meat to get free drink fidnt get any meat ordered a sub opened it from wrapper all fell out the bread was so soggy just from driving home didnt even eat the bread with it have pictures so gross.

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    jo murphy


    Good food. Priced right.

  • Connie Garcia

    Connie Garcia


    It was a blessed day. Amazing dinner ,awesome waiter. Fast service. Great! Food@

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    Cathleen Hoffman


    Employee's are very nice. Great subs too. They make your sub the way u want it !!

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