Line Thai Restaurant en Sun City

Estados UnidosLine Thai Restaurant



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9803, West Bell Road, 85351, Sun City, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 623-977-8940
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.637597, Longitude: -112.271194

comentarios 5

  • en

    julie felton


    Excellent service. The food was quick to arrive and pretty good. My only issue is they use frozen meats and veggies. Normally this doesn't bother me but when I go out to a sit down restaurant, I expect a little bit higher quality of food than what I can throw together at home. This doesn't diminish the meal. It was still a lovely lunch and my fiance enjoyed his meal as well. Overall, you won't get the best ever Thai food but you'll still enjoy it.

  • Bryan Lazar

    Bryan Lazar


    I just can't understand the attraction to this food! It smells like farts, tastes like garbage, and gives you a stomach ache immediately after you eat it. My friends enjoy it somehow so maybe there's people out there who have to taste buds. They were very clean and friendly in their own way, that's about the only good thing I can say about them, but you can't eat clean tables.

  • Daniel Hartness

    Daniel Hartness


    Delicious food. I drive away from a few places in neighborhood and over to this neighborhood to eat here every once and a while and it never lets me down. Good stuff! Thank you!

  • Carissa Houston

    Carissa Houston


    The food tasted good but the restaurant reeked of sewer! They were burning multiple scented candles, probably in an attempt to mask the sewer stench, but the candles just added to the bad smell. We only stayed because we were at a family party. It made me worry that they don't care about cleanliness there so I ordered a meatless dish and had my kids order fried food, hoping the high temp would kill off bacteria. If it were my restaurant I'd close my doors until the source of the smell was corrected. Side note, though we won't be returning: when they say No Substitutions, they are not kidding. I could not get the server to accommodate my simple order for eggplant and any mixed vegetables with green curry. Nope. I could have eggplant with a different sauce, or veggies and tofu with the curry. Nope, I can't substitute eggplant for the tofu. Nope, I can't order a side of eggplant, but I could order two complete dishes. Oh my gosh. Not even an, "I'm sorry, we have a big menu so we ask that there are no substitutions to help the cooks out," just a curt, "No Substitutions!" every time I asked a question.

  • Jill Waller

    Jill Waller


    We were here for an early dinner so the place was not crowded. Staff was very friendly and attentive. Food was really good and came out quick. I had #66 and the mild peanut sauce was delicious. Pad Thai medium was a little spicy but great flavor. Will go back when in town.

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