SUBWAY®Restaurants en Lexington

Estados UnidosSUBWAY®Restaurants



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2350, Grey Lag Way, 40509, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 859-543-1099
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.0376974, Longitude: -84.4220593

comentarios 5

  • _reylotrashxoxo



    I mean it's good. The sandwich I ate was great, but I particularly don't recommend getting any veggies or anything because they're not that fresh. I just got a sandwich there today, and it was good like I said but the health thing was 89 with red. No hairnets. Didn't have a great taste, mayonnaise was all over the bag so that's a great smell to have all over you.. and I'm having a bit of a stomach ache right now so don't recommend having it.

  • Phillip Hyatt

    Phillip Hyatt


    They can't even make the sandwich or wrap the way it should be put together much less how you ask. Very inappropriate barely speaking English and then can't remember what you tell them two seconds after they ask. Avoid this subway unless you're just wanting a plain simple sandwich.

  • Madman



    Pass on this subway, the cleanliness of this place is questionable, you want your sandwich with extra sweat and hair? Then by all means enjoy. This individual had no hairnet or bandana to tie her hair back, plus sleeveless shirt, that's just nasty. Wish I could rate it a negative number, Fire everyone and start new.

  • Sammi-lou Leslie

    Sammi-lou Leslie


    Decent place to grab a quick bite after shopping. Never had any problems with my order and the staff have been clean and presentable for all my visits.

  • Fierybeefmonkey



    Worst subway on the planet. The staff is a bunch of meth heads that can't remember what kind of sub their making. The lady literally asked me what kind of sub she just made me.

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