Rafferty's en Lexington

Estados UnidosRafferty's



🕗 horarios

1865, Alysheba Way, 40509, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 859-264-8900
sitio web: www.raffertys.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.0204709, Longitude: -84.4195646

comentarios 5

  • Casey White

    Casey White


    Food was excellent. Portions were abundant. Pricey, especially the appetizers, but we would go again. Huge burgers. Club sandwich filled with meat. Potato soup was wonderful.

  • soviet meme

    soviet meme


    The chicken finger salad was bland. The ranch dressing was on the salad. There was French dressing was dripped on side of dish. We were a party of two and received less service then a party of four. The service was slow. When Server # 256 came out asked how we enjoyed our meal. I said service could of been better. His response good good.

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    Larry lagoy


    I haven't been to a Rafferty's in years. The food was just as good as I remember. This was my wife's first time. She had their fried fish special. She loved every bite. Rafferty's was very accommodating. The special only came with fries. I got the baked sweet potato, that she wanted. They put these sides on separate plates. So we just exchanged. A very customer friendly restaurant.




    Great place to eat! I stop when I have the time and always look forward to Raffertys spinach salad topped w/fresh grilled salmon. It's AWESOME! The little sweet croissant danishes on the side make it extra special w/a cup of coffee when traveling thru. Great service!!! Way to go My.!!!💗

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    Tim Parham


    The food and service were good for a quick lunch. Typical American fare with a limited beer selection. We enjoyed the fried mushrooms appetizer, but have had better and worse. Soup, salads and sandwiches were all good at a reasonable price.

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