StrikeCity i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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210, East Trade Street, 28202, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-716-9300
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Latitude: 35.2251928, Longitude: -80.8422334

kommentar 5

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    Shannon West


    Great staff and a great atmosphere! Best bar to go to in the Epicenter. Will return soon!

  • Kaylea Amberr

    Kaylea Amberr


    Fun atmosphere! It's in a great location being in the Epicentre. SC feels like new with the remodeling they did over the summer. Tons of TVs so you won't miss anything no matter where you're sitting.

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    Taylor Thomas


    Are you bored? Are you looking for some fun? Strike city is a great place for both!! Come out and enjoy great bowling, have a bite to eat and a few drinks!

  • Scott Toal

    Scott Toal


    Bowling, food and beverages is a great combo. The environment is nice and screens for watching sports abound. Had one of their burgers. It was a good burger. Good place for large groups and enjoying uptown after an event. The wait staff was prepared and helpful.

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    Lance Brookes


    Never go to this place. I was here yesterday to watch the Ohio State football game. New to Charlotte someone told me this was the place to go. I got there at 1030. I got one of the last places to sit, it was over by the lanes. The game started and as I was watching some people came in and rented the lane. No not to bowl but to watch the game. They were late and didn't have a place to sit.So they rented the lane and then came over and told us we would have to move. Wow what low life would do something like this just because they were late. It would have been different if they were there to bowl!!! But no they were there for the same reason I was to watch a game. I didn't realize that people could be so rude. I'm new to the area coming from Ohio. Not realizing how many rude people there are in the world. But I have to say since coming down here I have realized that most must live in Charlotte. Not just this one visit to watch the game but many things. The driving around here, the crime around here, the general lack of people having respect for other humans. I'm glad to have come, but even happier I have decided to leave. I will watch the news from Ohio, it's only a matter of time before more stuff happens like it did a year ago down here. People that go to this place are rude and the management here fits right in. I recommend this place to all the people of Charlotte they will fit in, rude people seem to be everywhere here!!!!!!!! And to the rude women Saturday, I hope you get yours.

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