10 PARK LANES i Charlotte

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Forenede Stater10 PARK LANES



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1700, Montford Drive, 28209, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-523-7633
internet side: rollten.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.170447, Longitude: -80.847942

kommentar 5

  • M B

    M B


    This place is nothing but a good time! They have good food, good drinks, and cute waitresses! This place almost shut down they it was purchased and renovated. They made this a cool place to come and have a good time! I have been here several times and always look forward to going back! No matter if you are horrible at bowling or a pro you will have a blast here! They have all different types of beer and different food items including deserts. They have bowling specials so check them out online. They do have bowling leagues as well if youe interested in that. On the weekend nights this place gets packed so be prepared to wait!

  • en

    J Swanson


    We go there some times just to eat. They have really good food. Some times I go at lunch order food, and bowl a game while eating food at table nearby. Clean and friendly, feels safe to go even by myself.

  • Alison Hall

    Alison Hall


    Saturday night is lit!!! The music was pumping, lights were low, drinks were flowing, and everyone was having a blast. Admittedly, I was on a first date-not a good idea (the music was too loud and it’s hard to get to know someone when you’re competing against them). But for a girl’s or boy’s night out, or a group outing, it’s perfect. Probably a great place to kick back on the weekend, meet people, have some food and good drinks. Definitely will be back - but with my girl squad!

  • Rajesh D'costa

    Rajesh D'costa


    I have been going to this bowling alley for years now with family and friends. Always have had great times here. Service is exceptionally and bowling is always fun. The food here is awesome. It is really good. Don't go back without trying it. Also, they have an exceptional number of beers on tap and so more than likely you will find one of your favorites to wash down the delicious food. You can't go wrong with this place. Great food, great bowling and awesome service.

  • Whitney Smith

    Whitney Smith


    First time visiting this place on this past Saturday and I must say me and my friends really enjoyed it. They had a good selection of food which I was skeptical about but enjoyed. Lounge area with games while you wait to bowl. The DJ for the night was on point, played all the right hits. Unlimited bowling for $15 includes shoes. Will definitely be back.

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