Stratum Laser Tag i Mesa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterStratum Laser Tag



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1455, South Stapley Drive, 85204, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-545-5500
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.3883166, Longitude: -111.8040546

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nikunj Patel


    good place to take kids.... we played laser tag with kids and it was still fun.

  • en

    Jenea Tanberg


    Excellent prices for the value. Kids had a blast. Great service from the manager. Facility needs a face lift, feels rundown and dirty.

  • Jason Meneses

    Jason Meneses


    This place is pretty expensive.. most arcade games cost A dollar to play and the way they have it set up kinda forces you to pay 20$ a person for laser tag. I don't see this place lasting to long with amazing jackes right around the corner.

  • Atia Brown

    Atia Brown


    Take my step kids here all the time and they absolutely love it. Pricing is fair. Ample arcade games and great birthday packages.

  • Jacque Hermosillo

    Jacque Hermosillo


    My out of state friends say this is very high class for laser tag, but it wasn't really my style. The way the design it you will end up in the same game as just about everyone else in the building. That means a college student would be in the same game as a 6th grade birthday party or church group unless you plan to reserve the room for only your group, which is quite expensive. The arena isn't extremely large but is decent size for children. Older than high school aged students might find it easy to navigate and a little small for stealth/strategy plays. As a collge age student, there to celebrate a friend's birthday, (a small group of 6 females) we were iritated by the older guys who followed us throughout the games (yes plural) and charged at us and shoved past us despite the no physical contact guidelines. We were there to have fun. They were there to win. It was not a great combination as you might imagine.

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