Enchanted Island Amusement Park i Phoenix

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Forenede StaterEnchanted Island Amusement Park



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1202, West Encanto Boulevard, 85007, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-254-1200
internet side: www.enchantedisland.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.474739, Longitude: -112.088152

kommentar 5

  • Kimberly Meeks

    Kimberly Meeks


    There are maybe six or seven rides in this entire place. I was traveling with a seven year old and three year old. Because of height maximums/minimums they were able to ride 2 rides and the train. Then we left. After paying $80.

  • Diana Romero

    Diana Romero


    Thank you so much for the experience! We were there for our Company picnic with Commonwealth Casualty and I have to say your staff has been the friendliest in the city by far! Thank you so much for the wonderful experience you guys have provided. We'll be back!

  • en

    Phx Reviewer


    I took my 5 and 1 year old grandsons. The 5 year old had fun. There were several rides he could go on. The 1 year old could only go on a couple, so he was pretty bored. I read a lot of reviews about it being run down. I didn't notice that at all, and all the employees were nice. I only gave 4 stars because a wrist band is $20, which is pretty high for the amount of rides.

  • TJ Gallo

    TJ Gallo


    Perfect fun for families with young kids, birthday parties, etc. It's like a mini-carnival with great rides for kids 2-6 ish! There are only about 10 rides, but the kids love them. It is great for about 3-4 hours of fun if you do rides, eat, ride the train, merry-go-round, etc. (the food isn't bad for a concession stand). Also, they're quite strict about the heights and there is a decent amount of variation between rides. At 4 years old (a little above normal height), our oldest daughter can ride about 80% of the rides and our 2 year old can do about 60%. The cost is about $22 per kid for unlimited rides (which is the only one that makes sense to buy). Adults can't ride, so you only pay for your kids.

  • Iris Jones

    Iris Jones


    Went on a summer day and it was unbearable. All the rides were HOT and my child could only ride on 3. Was not worth the money! They told me I needed a band to ride with my child, but didn't mention the fact that I could only ride on 2. Do your research before coming here. Looks better online and in pictures. Like I said, not worth the money or drive. Will not be coming back.

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