Steve's Barber Shop en Port Washington

Estados UnidosSteve's Barber Shop



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24, Main Street, 11050, Port Washington, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-767-0397
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Latitude: 40.8306567, Longitude: -73.6855122

comentarios 5

  • Daniel Kates

    Daniel Kates


    It’s a very nice automosphere. There’s always nice music playing and a person to welcome you when you come in. Also, they give amazing haircuts for a great price. A lot of places rush through your haircut, but here they get to know their customers and treat them with respect and give them the exact perfect haircut they are looking for. Strongly suggest going here.

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    Nick Labellarte


    i was recommended this barber shop from a friend early last year. i have not stopped going since. i have gotten a haircut from all the barbers in the shop and they all do a fantastic job. They listen to every request i make and cut my hair flawlessly. no matter how many people are in line, they always take their time to make sure you get a great cut. definitely will be a customer for life

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    Joseph Trovato


    Excellent place. I moved out of state, I come to NY about 6 times a year & 6 times a go to Steve’s. I enjoy getting a haircut and a shave here more than anywhere else.

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    Jonathan Young


    I've been going to Steve's for seventeen years and have always gotten a great haircut. The barbers have changed over time but the high quality and superior service have remained the same. My son goes there now as well, as do many friends around town. I would definitely recommend Steve's not just for a terrific haircut, but a relaxing place where you will come out feeling better.

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    William DeGouveia


    No better haircut around. My father and I started going here when Steve first opened up shop. We were one of his first customers. Steve gives a phenomenal hair cut and listens to everything I say and how I want it cut. As my style preferences have changed as I've gotten older, Steve has accommodated all of them and I have yet to find a better haircut, even in the five years I lived away from Port Washington. Steve runs a great shop. I trust him and his judgment In cutting my hair. This is reflected in the barbers he hires as well. I highly recommend Steve's.

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