Creative Cuts en Port Washington

Estados UnidosCreative Cuts



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146, Shore Road, 11050, Port Washington, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-767-3397
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8421174, Longitude: -73.707571

comentarios 5

  • Jerry Huang

    Jerry Huang


    They charge $18 for regular haircut. I was cut by one of the guy sitting in the back. First of all, his breath smells like he just had 20 garlic & Parmesan Aged cheese balls, and he’s breathing down on your the whole time. He asks me what I wanted, when I was telling him, he started saying (in thick Spanish accent) “yeah yeah okay okay, I got it”. Without asking, just gave me a #1 shave on the whole side without any fade. The job was choppy most likely due to his old equipment, I have uneven hair sticking out here and there. The style was not at all what I’ve been getting. And best part, he moves so slow, and would occasionally stop to watch the soccer game on TV, or stop the haircut and have a long lengthy chat with random people who just come in an visit.

  • Virginia Barrow

    Virginia Barrow


    I’ve been going to high end salons for no reason. I came here to get a hair cut and they did a better job for half the price. I am so glad I found this place! I highly recommend it.

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    Jon Barrow


    Ive been in the town of Port Washington for 30 years now, I've tried all barbershops on Main Street and in town and I can honestly say that creative cuts is the best. The guys are very talented, the price is great, the owner is very nice. Just sit back and enjoy the service.

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    I have been going here for years. I was nervous to come in at first since the staff are all South Americans and I do not speak Spanish, the workers speak English and all understand what I what. They always have a soccer game on tv and move very fast, the weekends can be crazy busy. The price is really cheap. The staff do speak Spanish to each other and the other customers if that bothers you, I love it no forced small talk with me i can just relax and enjoy the service. This is a really friendly place. They accept credit and debit cards.

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    George Mouras


    Great staff and very friendly environment. I look great every time I leave. Highly recommend

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