Starbucks i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterStarbucks



🕗 åbningstider

101, South Tryon St, 28246, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-374-9519
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2276385, Longitude: -80.8427718

kommentar 5

  • Josh and Marty Stroupe

    Josh and Marty Stroupe


    This is literally the 4th time my order has been completely wrong. I don't know why I keep trying this place, there has to be a better Starbucks Location with better customer service. It's not like it was so busy they got overwhelmed. Not friendly and unfortunately seemingly incapable. I am tired of paying outrageous up charges and then not receiving the things I pay for...

  • Nyoka G

    Nyoka G


    Just started going. Now I'm addicted 2 this place.

  • Pavithra Venkatesh

    Pavithra Venkatesh


    if possible i wouldn't have given a single star also.. no such option... mobile order... 45 min to get sous vide egg bites ready??? ridiculous... staff wasnt friendly and helping either.. the lady who was working on the mobile order wasnt helping either and she had this grumpy expression... totally not acceptable... staff is very rude... not first time this is happening.. between 8-8.30 am chai latte takes a min of 30 min to get it...

  • William Davis

    William Davis


    Drinks were fine. However, it took 30 minutes to get them... For a coffee place, these guys are sluggish. Plan ahead for the wait.

  • en

    Scott Brewster


    It's definitely over price but damn the coffee is good.

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