Bar Cocoa i Charlotte

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBar Cocoa



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201, East Trade Street, 28202, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 704-972-4397
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.2262167, Longitude: -80.8415584

kommentar 5

  • Sarah Giwa

    Sarah Giwa


    Fancy taste if the Ritz that won't break the bank. Yummy treats

  • en

    Ryan Nc


    Cool selection of desserts. Truffles are good but over priced. Get an espresso sit outside and watch the people stroll by

  • Kala Brown Brewer

    Kala Brown Brewer


    There were so many great looking desserts here. The one I ate was extremely rich but delicious. I want to go back soon.

  • Pavithra Venkatesh

    Pavithra Venkatesh


    One of the best bakery in charlotte.. ordered cakes for my daughter's birthday and it was a hit with everyone... yummy, delicious and simply the best...even their biscotti, macaroons, cupcakes and chocolates are too good.. a must try bakery

  • en

    Tynniayia Smarr


    Please discard those lavender macarons and cut back on the dye. All you can taste is dye. Also the cashier should change gloves between transactions. Food shouldn't be handled with the same gloved hand you use to handle money. This is the Ritz Carlton.

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