Sprinkles Cupcakes i Chicago

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSprinkles Cupcakes



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50 East Walton Street, Chicago, IL 60611, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 312-573-1600
internet side: www.sprinkles.com
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Latitude: 41.9001035, Longitude: -87.6263859

kommentar 5

  • en

    October Miller


    I hate this bakery more then anything ever. I have tried it twice and twice I got sick from cupcakes. I think that the frosting is just too over powering for me and it makes me literally sick which isn’t cool. Over rated. Over hyped.

  • en

    Christine C


    Cupcake ATM. Visited pretty late and the stock was still plentiful. No line when we showed up but it was starting to build up after us. Great experience. Super fun after a late night date. I love cookie dough so that cupcake was delicious. Cuban coffee is another favorite!!!!

  • en

    Leo K


    Went to the ATM with a big group, purchased 8 cupcakes. 2 were as hard as a rock, the others were pretty good. I emailed them, got no response after 1 full week, no info on refunds. They say fresh dailly, but clearly they missed a few. Poor customer service.

  • Adrianna Hotlos

    Adrianna Hotlos


    Absolutely amazing cupcakes! They taste incredible! I’ve never had cupcakes like these! The vegan red velvet are so delicious and worth driving over there for.

  • Darryl K-M

    Darryl K-M


    You’ll want to use the cupcake atm anywhere near closing, at about 8pm they only had three varieties remaining inside. However the black and white that was in stock was delicious. Rich chocolate and creamy flavorful icing. If your visiting or a local sprinkles is a treat! My only complaint is the evening supply.

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