Spilusions Custom Ink i Sacramento

Forenede StaterSpilusions Custom Ink



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912, Grand Avenue, 95838, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 916-585-2701
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Latitude: 38.636557, Longitude: -121.445741

kommentar 5

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    Morgan Lowe


    Had a great experience getting my nosed pierced here. The gentlemen was very nice, professional, and overall he’s great at what he does! I didn’t feel a thing when he pierced me! Would definitely recommend him to anyone!

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    Alexandria Mccoy


    Went to change earring out of new pe

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    Lauren Reese


    Loving my few tatt Elias is sick with a needle

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    the dude


    If you want a place that doesn’t have ego driven artists you found the spot. This place throws down I have multiple tattoos and I have to say that Eli is probably the best artist I’ve ever had work on me. Gives you his honest opinion on things and actually sits down and works with you. He is extremely light handed and his black and gray work is second to none...I travel from the bay area to get work done that should tell you something. The compliments never stop coming from the work I have done. Thank you from a loyal customer from here on out

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    Kirk Hutson


    Spider is a great artist. He always takes my ideas and comes up with very unique designs. He is a very talented piercer too. I have used him for many projects and I have recommend him many times. His prices are very reasonable and he never rushes. Frankly, I have paid double for work no where as good as his. He was recommended to me by an artist friend of mine. Basically, spider knows his craft inside and out a day you cannot go wrong using him.

nærmeste Butik

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