Dollar General i Sacramento

Forenede StaterDollar General



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400, Harris Avenue, 95838, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 916-426-3793
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.6381191, Longitude: -121.456601

kommentar 5

  • Stella Vaughn-Robbins

    Stella Vaughn-Robbins


    One of my favorite quick run in places. I often take my sky pictures there

  • en

    Bobby Cuevas


    Every time I walk in the staff say welcome to dollar general no matter who is working. some days stock is low yet still they will try and take care of you people get to know the staff myself I ask for opinions on certain problems I.e. heartburn and ways to get it like BBQ beans both those were rite on the money so ask don't guess

  • William Black

    William Black


    Store manager is Dianna (pronounced dee-anna) a very friendly and down to earth person who takes pride in her store and cares about her employees and customers as well. The store is clean, well stocked and the prices are affordable. I shop there at least once a week and recommend the store to anyone who likes a good value when they shop.

  • en



    I shop here a lot sometimes twice a day very nice organized store very easy to access and find things staff is not that friendly especially the big Mexican lady does not know how to work in customer service don't even know how she ever got a job there but the reason I gave it one star is because of the long lines and the credit card machine is always down do not I repeat do not go here if you just want to run in and get something because even if you get one thing you're for sure going to be in here for at least 30 minutes standing in line sometimes the line is all the way to the back of the store and only one register is working I don't think it's something that Dollar General management can help I really think it's something on the corporate office needs to help because the one on Grand Avenue also is the same

  • Lawrence Talbot

    Lawrence Talbot


    Dollar General is a good store. Employees are nice and the manager Deanna is awesome!! This would have been a 5 star review but the selection of goods could be better. Add to that with VERY FEW exceptions the Dollar General store brand "Clover Valley BLOWS CHUNKS!! After trying numerous different items under their store brand the only ones I would recommend are their sodas and their cereal. Every other store brand item I have tried has been completely UNACCEPTABLE!!!! So when shopping at DG be sure to stick with The name brand items and you should have no problems.

nærmeste Butik

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