Sound Movement en Larchmont

Estados UnidosSound Movement



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1963, Palmer Avenue, 10538, Larchmont, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-630-1631
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9315225, Longitude: -73.7608125

comentarios 4

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    Kathleen Murphy


    amazing place!! stronger, more flexible !

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    Harry Balkin


    sound MOVEMENT made me a believer! I had my doubts, thinking all I needed was jogging. My wife had been doing pilates for years & raved about it. At her behest, I had a session with Carson Murphy —been going twice a week ever since (6+ years now). I feel stronger, sit up straighter & have less aches & pains. This is quite a unique fitness studio, where dancers & performance artists share their special Kane School training & body smarts to make yours stronger & more resilient.

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    Wendy Eagle


    No run o'the mill pilates studio here --tis a very special place to nourish mind & body. Young & old alike will benefit from working with these uniquely trained, attentive, passionate, body-smart artists. Since finding the studio in 2011 my posture is noticeably better, I am stronger & have far less back pain. My entire family goes to sound MOVEMENT --where Carson Murphy & team always treat us like family. Love it there!

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    Nicholas Young


    I've always had an amazing experience at sound Movement. The instructors are all very attentive, knowledgeable and versatile in their method. The space itself is clean, and professional without feeling stuffy or sterile. I've always felt each session is completely individualized to my personal needs and my body. No cookie cutter, generic pilates here! I highly recommend to anyone who wants to get stronger, look and feel better, or work through injuries in a great environment!

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AbogadoAcuarioAeropuertoAgencia de segurosAgencia de viajesAgencia inmobiliariaAlmacenamientoAlmacenarAlojamientoAlquiler de cochesAlquiler de películasBancoBarBarrioBibliotecaBoleraCafeteríaCajero automáticoCaracterística naturalCasa funerariaCasinoCementerioCentro comercialCerrajeroCineClub nocturnoColegioComestibles o supermercadoComidaComida para llevarContabilidadContratista de techosContratista generalCuidado del cabelloCuidado veterinarioDe las bicicletasDentistaEl hospitalElectricistaEmbajadaEmpresa de mudanzasEntrega de comidasEstablecimientoEstacionamientoEstación de autobusesEstación de bomberosEstación de metroEstación de trenEstación de tren ligeroEstación de tránsitoEstadioFarmaciaFerreteríaFinanciarFisioterapeutaFloristaFontaneroGalería de arteGasolineraGimnasioGrandes almacenesIglesiaIntersecciónJoyeríaLavado de autosLavanderíaLibreríaLocalidadLugar de adoraciónMezquitaMuseoMédicoNivel 1 área administrativaNivel 2 área administrativaNivel de sublocality 1Oficina del gobierno localOficina postalPalacio MunicipalPalacio de justiciaPanaderíaParada de taxiParqueParque de atraccionesParque de rv, cámpingPintorPolicíaPolíticoPremisaPunto de interésReparación de autosRestauranteRutaSaludSalón de bellezaSinagogaSpaSubpremiseSupermercadoTemplo hindúTerreno de campingTienda de artículos para el hogarTienda de convenienciaTienda de electrónicosTienda de licorTienda de mascotasTienda de mueblesTienda de ropaUniversidadVendedor de autosZapateríaZooÁrea administrativa nivel 3Área coloquial