New York Sports Clubs en Larchmont

Estados UnidosNew York Sports Clubs



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15, Madison Avenue, 10538, Larchmont, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-834-7700
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9320991, Longitude: -73.763229

comentarios 5

  • Tiffany S

    Tiffany S


    Good gym. Love the helpful employees.

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    Clee G


    Love the people who work there

  • Bryant Ardila

    Bryant Ardila


    CLEANEST NYSC BATHROOM (MENS ROOM). But I feel they can add better machines and layouts. All the NYSC I go to feel very outdated. In my opinion LA Fitness cost less and is better! Pools and Basketball courts and racket ball.

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    Danielle Ellis


    This gym has a polite, professional staff. Plus, the cleaning crew can always be seen doing their job. Although it's not the biggest gym in the world, it is a great place to try new things without feeling uncomfortable. The majority of patrons are focused and encouraging.

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    Itsnot Yourmail


    The only reason I stay faithful to this gym is that I live around the corner. Apart from that, it is rather disgusting. Especially on winter weekends, it smells of b.o. so badly that it takes a lot to not turn on my heel once I enter the club. There are a few middle aged men who seem to never have heard of deodorant, or that it is o.k. to shower BEFORE you go to the gym if you are a smelly old man. The equipment is often broken and some of it never gets repaired (missing, broken rubber handles). I don't think they ever get cleaned either. I feel like bathing in disinfectant after the gym, and I am normally not a germophobe.

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