Sound Body And Mind w Huntington

Stany ZjednoczoneSound Body And Mind



🕗 godziny otwarcia

125, West Shore Road, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-683-5857
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.888042, Longitude: -73.424623

komentarze 5

  • en

    Thomas McTygue


    Excellent Yoga Studio and Adam will kick you butt if you want to challenge yourself in a High Intensity Training Class. I highly recommend Sound Body and Mind.

  • en

    Jessica Mollica


    I love SB&M! Never mind how beautiful the actual space is, with it’s large windows that lets in natural light and open floor with a modern rustic garden feel. The teachers are knowledgeable about Asana adjustments, anatomy and benefits the poses have for the body, as well as being beautiful souls. The studio also has Yoga hammocks for aerial/anti-gravity classes, which has changed my practice in general in an advantageous way. Thank you for providing such a good vibe and energy ☮️💛🕉

  • en

    Megan Conroy


    By far the best yoga/fitness studio I have ever been to - and I have tried a lot of them in the area. Its $35 for two weeks unlimited classes, and I found each class to be better than the next! There is such a variety and they have everything from great classes for beginners to very challenging classes. Adam, the owner, teaches awesome bootcamp style circuit classes in the AM that I highly recommend. The variety in yoga classes has allowed me to grow in my yoga practice. Sound Body and Mind should definitely be your first stop if you are looking for a yoga studio in the Huntington Area.

  • en

    Lynn Kiraly


    I have been going here for about 4 months now, trying different classes. All have been great. Studio is spotless and modern. Owners and instructors are friendly and professional. Lots of classes to choose from and the schedules are very convenient. Would definitely recommend this gem.

  • Linda Cassola

    Linda Cassola


    This is exactly the studio I was looking for! Owner Adam is so helpful and welcoming. The studio is clean and bright, teachers knowledgeable and friendly, schedule full of options for all levels, especially for those of us who are fairly new to yoga. Absolutely love SOUND Body & Mind!

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