Animal Instinct Fitness w Huntington

Stany ZjednoczoneAnimal Instinct Fitness



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7, Loma Place, 11743, Huntington, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-470-5597
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8791997, Longitude: -73.4044164

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jessica Inversa


    Such a great workout!!! Boxing and boot camp the perfect mix. Marina the owner is hands down a very knowledgeable and motivating instructor. Her gym is so clean and there is always a different workout each time I go. I just love it!!

  • en

    Mary Sabatino


    Amazing energy and amazing trainers!!! So thankful this beautiful new studio opened in Huntington. It is beautifully appointed and super clean. The aqua boxing is awesome and the bootcamps are no joke, you work and you see results. Two classes are never the same and aqua boxing has quickly become my new favorite exercise! Highly recommend!!!

  • en

    Alison Croughan


    I am so happy that I found Animal Instinct Fitness!!! Marina is fantastic, educational, motivating and helped me find the athlete in me again. From day one she helped ease my nerves as I had never boxed before but quickly learned that her programming and offerings are so much more!!! Amazing music, constantly changing programming, and a workout I can do daily. Highly recommend!!! Go try it today!!!

  • en

    Adam Engelhardt


    The place is beautiful, clean and top shelf. Marina is motivating and really cares about her clients. I did crossfit for years, I've tried Orange Theory, Personal Trainers at Equinox and nothing compares to the workout I receive here. I get pushed to my limits every time and yet I'm still able to come in day after day. This is a little treasure in Huntington that I'm so glad I made the time to try.

  • Jen Barcia

    Jen Barcia


    I LOVE going to Animal Instinct Fitness. The gym itself is very nice and always neat and clean. Then to top it off, Marina is an awesome trainer! I get some Of the best workouts with Marina. They’re intense yet she helps work around my various physical problems. She’s very knowledgeable and energetic and really inspires you to keep going and to coming back for more! Whether it’s for class format or private training, I highly recommend Animal Instinct!

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