Social Apparel w West Nyack

Stany ZjednoczoneSocial Apparel



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1000, Palisades Center Drive, 10994, West Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-358-8200
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0966119, Longitude: -73.9549724

komentarze 5

  • en



    Horrific experience!!! Don’t waste your time find another store!!! We ordered a prom dress over six weeks ago and was told we would have it by mid May. When I called to follow up I was told by a person who could hardly speak English that it would be in the following week. I call back the following week, because no one called me back and spoke to the owner, who was incredibly rude and basically told me the dress had not come in. He said I would have to wait for the next shipment and still could not guarantee it would be there. At that point I became upset and he rudely hung up on me and when I called back to ask if he could call the vendor he said he didn’t want my business and would refund my money and hung up on me again. Prom is next weekend and my daughter does not have a prom dress!

  • en

    Sandra Macias


    Horrible experience...I was on the phone with someone who works there and she hung up on me twice and was no help at all.

  • en

    A C


    Looking for a prom dress for my daughter

  • Sofia Barba

    Sofia Barba


    The employees are rude and will make fun of customers weight in front of random people. Seen an employee take away a dress for a person to try on because she believed that the girl could "never fit in it if she tried."

  • Charles Yip

    Charles Yip


    Very nice party and wedding dresses at affordable prices. Definitely recommended.

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