SEPHORA w West Nyack

Stany ZjednoczoneSEPHORA



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1000, Palisades Center Drive, 10994, West Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-353-1033
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.097152, Longitude: -73.955788

komentarze 5

  • en

    Fatima Farooq


    I frequent this store given it’s convenient location as I work at the Palisades Mall. I’ve never had any trouble finding anything, because I never needed any help or wanted to distract the employees from their personal conversations. Was given a crazy attitude for asking one of the employees for a color match, and had to wait about 15 minutes for her to finish her conversation about her honeymoon with another employee to help me :-) Earlier this week, I made a makeup appointment for Sunday morning for my college graduation before opening and confirmed all the reminders. When I arrived for my appointment, early as instructed, I found the doors locked and no one in sight. I waited for about half an hour, trying to reach the store and was hung up on by whoever picked up. I had to make an appointment with another salon asap. Really ruined my morning, and almost my graduation. Save yourself from the attitude and the disrespect. The Nanuet location is so much better.

  • en

    Natalie Holland


    Absolutely terrible service. I would give ZERO stars if possible. Waited for about 15 minutes for help. I was laughed at by one associate when asking for help with a product ( I interrupted her dancing) and was told she would not help me, the skincare associate rudely told me to continue waiting (after standing there waiting for over 10 minutes!) the store manager was there and did nothing to help. Worst Sephora I have ever been to. Do not shop here unless you like terrible customer service.

  • en

    Natalia DiMiceli


    I went to the store to order a large quantity of items for my sisters shower. I got an email 7 days AFTER placing the order saying the items were out of stock and also you can't order more than 3 of the same item online. I can't believe the manager didn't even know the rules to order online. If you want to order large quantities go to Macy's. I'm so upset right now. I can't believe it took them 7 DAYS to cancel my order. I'm truly in shock.

  • Alyssa Kaye

    Alyssa Kaye


    Staff super rude !!! Rolled their eyes when I asked for help!! Never coming here again that's for sure

  • People are strange

    People are strange


    Horrible experience. My husband usually loves to buys me perfums here and literally almost every time he has to chase employees to help him . But in Nanuet mall employees are so nice and helpful go there if you want good customer service.

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