SNS Nails & Spa w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSNS Nails & Spa



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1602, Richmond Road, 10304, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-524-8554
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5903569, Longitude: -74.1006908

komentarze 5

  • Edwina Fang

    Edwina Fang


    This is the best salon on Staten Island! I will never go anywhere else!

  • Rayna Sciarrotta

    Rayna Sciarrotta


    My favorite nail salon in Staten Island. Prices are good. Salon is very clean. Lee and her girls are so polite and friendly.

  • en

    Daniel Rodriguez


    TAN is GOOD! She knows what she doing- she did a great job for my wife and I. She took care of us- highly recommend her! Nice place. Friendly people.

  • Georgia Naples

    Georgia Naples


    I go to college here and I was nervous about getting my nails done away from home. Two of my friends and I went after making an appointment (even though you do not need one). There was no one else in there but us which was very nice and relaxing. Kim and the staff were very nice and took their time on making your nails look perfect. I got a regular pedi and gel mani and my nails look the best they have ever looked! The price was cheaper than my place at home which was great for a classy college girl on a budget. I 100% recommend this place and I will not go anywhere else on Staten Island now.

  • Morgan Hasner

    Morgan Hasner


    I have know Lee and have been going to her for years. I am so happy for her to have opened her own business! A FAMILY business!! I haven't done my nails in over a year...and finally went in today to see her and the new store. It's immaculate and she has updated features such as, disposable plastic liners in the water tubs for a higher level of cleanliness... bag hooks so your purse is not in the way or on the floor..... as well as a tray to hold your drinks, phone, etc. SNS takes pride in what they do. They are kind, accommodating, and gentle, and most important, experienced. Always feel like I am going to visit family when I go see her. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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