Blown, blow dry experience w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBlown, blow dry experience



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1582, Richmond Road, 10304, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-980-3888
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.5911883, Longitude: -74.1006993

komentarze 5

  • lau ann

    lau ann


    Worst blow out ever!!!! Went home and washed the entire can of hair spray that was sprayed in my hair out and re did my hair! The customer service was non existent and every girl in there was extremely unprofessional!!! Not only did the employees not greet me first at the door, but one had her back completely turned to the door because they were gathered around the front computer on Facebook. The "stylist" who did my hair was texting the entire time!! All of these reviews are from friends and family of the staff. And yes I still have my reciept, Feb 9th 5pm. Vanessa did my hair... Please do a better job of keeping your "records". Thanks for the offer but I will politely decline.

  • Stacey Austein

    Stacey Austein


    Omg, Blown did an amazing job creating a beautiful updo with hair extensions and braids for a Kentucky Derby Theme party. Just an awesome job - love them, highly recommend!!!

  • en

    Dana Chan


    I absolutely love this new salon! The salon has a great atmosphere to it with an amazing staff. I went for my first eyelash extension session with Brianna. She is such a genuine and caring person who truly listens to what look you are going for!

  • en

    MIchele Fischetti


    Love this place such a great idea to get ur beauty needs done in one hair and make up! I loved my blow out that I got and the girls were so nice and welcoming really beautiful and cool vibe in the salon too! Def recommend and will continue to go!

  • Carmela Leblanc

    Carmela Leblanc


    I had my eyelashes done I look as if I lost 20 Years I look fabulous that’s what everyone tells me Brianna is very delicate and she made the surroundings so soothing. Also had a Keratin treatment from Kathy my hair feels and looks amazing!!! Also Justin blew out my hair and I look like a new woman I am definitely going back and I want to Thank everyone from Blown for making my New Year an amazing one !!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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