Смиттаун Волксваген w Saint James

Stany ZjednoczoneСмиттаун Волксваген



🕗 godziny otwarcia

530, Jericho Turnpike, 11780, Saint James, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-724-6600
strona internetowej: www.smithtownvw.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8581719, Longitude: -73.1618182

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brielle Arneo


    I brought my car in after hitting a pothole upstate and denting my rim. I took my car to an auto body shop while upstate to have it straightened out and to reattach the hubcap. Had no problems making it the rest of the trip back to the island so about 400 miles and going at least 70-80mph. I bring my car in the next day to this vw dealership to have everything checked out to make sure the car was okay. The dealership told me I needed two new rims and a new tire totaling about $500. The vw dealership had my car for about 45 checked out my tires and took the hubcaps off to check the rims. I left the dealership and made the two minute drive back to my house and by the time I made it home the hubcap had already fallen off. They never properly reattached it to the rim and when I called the service center they were rude and refused to acknowledge they had made a mistake. Basically they did a very poor job doing very simple work on the car. I also wanted a second opinion before dropping $500 so I brought my car into a trusted mechanic I've been using for years and he checked everything out and said the rims and tire were absolutely fine and nothing needed to be replaced. This dealership upcharges for any work it does and also does the work poorly. I would highly recommend not bringing your car in to be serviced here.

  • en

    christo c


    Went in to speak with James Lupo and was there for a bit just joking and discussing things. These guys are very welcoming and jolly, was a very big pleasure coming into this dealership. Will be recommending for anyone I hear in the market for this product.

  • en

    Anthony Meringolo


    Anyone who says they didn't have a great experience obviously didn't deal with Sal and Mike. These guys made it so easy to trade in my beater and walk out with a brand new car. This place not only earned my immediate business but my lasting business as well. In two words, highly recommended.

  • Inga Sadoyan Lopez

    Inga Sadoyan Lopez


    Never have I had such a great experience when leasing a car. From Sal, the salesman, Tom the GM and Mike in finance the service was impeccable. We arrived at about 2:30 and even though they closed at 4 they took their time, listened and helped us get exactly what we needed. No pressure, no up selling. Made my husband and I feel like we were at home. I definitely recommend going to this dealership! We will be back in 3 years when are lease is up for another car without a doubt!

  • en

    Gabby G


    Great Experience. I dealt with Bob in used cars and Michael the finance manager, they were both wonderful. They did not pressure me and were able to give me the vehicle I wanted at a reasonable price. Thank you so much!

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