Ski Barn i Paramus

Forenede StaterSki Barn



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846, New Jersey 17, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-445-9070
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Latitude: 40.977751, Longitude: -74.082118

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cepera M


    Friendly & polite employees. Detailed knowledge about hitches and bike racks could be better. In sum, store is good and we'll be back for the next winter season.

  • Jessica Nelson

    Jessica Nelson


    The store was well stocked and a nice place to go to look at merchandise. However the prices here are very high. Most items sold here can be found online much cheaper.

  • Pamela Scorzello

    Pamela Scorzello


    Well stocked with summer items. Helpful staff. Nice quality.

  • Aleksandra Rutkowska

    Aleksandra Rutkowska


    Really like this place. I got my snowboard and ski boots from them. Very helpful stuff, aknowledgeable, they can help you with your shoes even when you bought them a long time ago. Nice selection of clothes and accessories, they also have service and waxing so after a full season of riding you can easily bring your equipment and they will help you to get it back in the shape. I give 4 stars only because when it's season and it's crowded you have to wait for your help longer. Besides that everything is great!

  • Atlas 7

    Atlas 7


    After being poorly fitted buy one of the boot salesman, I went back and was refitted into a completely different boot by both Willie and Steve. Their service and care was extraordinary. It is true that Ski Barn does charge retail for their equipment. But if you want great service, I would absolutely recommend them. Willie and Steve are gracious, honest, and highly professional. It was a pleasure doing business with them.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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