SEPHORA inside JCPenney w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSEPHORA inside JCPenney



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100, Baychester Avenue, 10475, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-862-9125
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8647129, Longitude: -73.826277

komentarze 5

  • en



    Came in, wanted to test a couple products cause I wanted to come in and buy them the next day lol. (Like I usually do) but this time it was for a wedding so I was just testing a lot of different things on my face. After a while, I noticed I was being followed by this male employee and he kept giving me this creepy side eye throughout the store. I’ve been in retail for some time so I’m thinking Instead of a friendly do you need help..he just keeps following me and watching me.I found that super annoying, made me very uncomfortable. Not everybody that tries on testers steal. Especially when that’s what they are there for.

  • Denise Desjardin

    Denise Desjardin


    I’d give a zero if possible!! I went in the store after shopping in JCPenney to splurge. Especially after hearing an announcement in the store about a promotion with the Tarte Mermaid palette. They were promoting it by offering a tutorial on how to use the palette. I went in and asked about the promotion. The sales person takes me to the area where the palettes were located. She simply hands me a box with the palette inside. So I ask if it were possible to see the colors and referred to the promotion again! She walks away and then comes back with the open display. Then she leaves me standing there with the palette. Eager to shop, I asked for the Tarte tape concealer and was informed that Ulta is the only one that carries it. SCORE!! I left Sephora empty handed, walked to Ulta, was provided with great assistance and splurged there!! NEVER will I shop at that Sephora location! So unprofessional and always has limited products.

  • Leann Serao

    Leann Serao


    The staff was very nice, but they were out of stock on so many items that I wanted. I was ready to spend a lot of money , but couldnt

  • en

    Antonnette Hewitt


    Horrible Customer service, horrible staff. This is the worst Sephora i’ve ever been to. I’ve been to this location a few times and it’s just disgusting from the girls on the floor to the managers. Don’t bother asking for assistance because they will roll their eyes walk past you and tell you not right now. Even one little girl took it as far as to say what’s Poppin you want some. As if we were in the streets. My Nia stopped working and I literally bought it less than a month ago instead of them giving me a new one they sent me to Ridge Hill and claimed that I didn’t have my ID which the manager had my identification card I didn’t want to Ridge Hill only to find out that they were supposed to swap it out I then went back to that same Sephora and they basically fought with me until I threatened to call corporate wasn’t until then I got my things rectified. They curse they scream they talk about other customers in front of customers as if they know you and it’s very disturbing to have very poor communication skills very poor customer service and I really believe that they need to fire everyone in that facility and rehire because there’s no reason why you’re mad why are you always mad when you go to work I don’t understand and you should never take your anger out on the customer. If I can take this one star off I would because like I said it is horrible it’s a ghetto in there

  • Sam B

    Sam B


    Horrible! This Sephora is a joke. Employees are never available to offer assistance, instead busy doing nothing but standing around chit chatting. If you do get lucky enough to be helped make it snappy because it's rushed and done unwillingly. Products are ALWAYS out of stock. Employees are unprofessional and need better training. I take my business to ULTA or Macy's where I'm treated as a paying customer.

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