Sentinel i Portland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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614 Southwest 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97205, Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 503-224-3400
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.5206389, Longitude: -122.6826821

kommentar 5

  • Laura Harris

    Laura Harris


    Very comfy rooms. Great central location. Easy to walk to restaurants and shops. Max line within walking distance

  • Kristina Grotts

    Kristina Grotts


    We were here for a wedding. The staff asst the reception were excellent and attentive, and the food was great. Our room was beautiful - everything was clean and well-stocked, the bed was comfy, and the style was great.

  • en

    Aziz Jasir


    I was visiting a guest. The room was lovely and I enjoyed the historical aspect of the hotel's building. It's also connected to a great restaurant, and a great bar.

  • en

    Mario Arroyo


    There were seven things missing that you would easily find at a lower costing hotel. Paid over $200 for one night yet I only a half roll of TP, no wash cloth or a bar of soap to wash my hands. Also no fan inside the restroom, so watch out if you blow it up. The room was great, got to say that. Very up class establishment. Would not go back.

  • Chloe Ford

    Chloe Ford


    Service is top-notch. Rooms are beautiful, comfortable. Love the dark walls and earthy furniture. Honor bar is well stocked. You can get a $5 for each night you pass on maid service. Location is centrally located in downtown Portland. Near MAX line and various eateries and shopping.

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