Embassy Suites by Hilton Portland Downtown i Portland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterEmbassy Suites by Hilton Portland Downtown



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319, Southwest Pine Street, 97204, Portland, Multnomah County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 503-279-9000
internet side: embassysuites3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 45.5219034, Longitude: -122.6741715

kommentar 5

  • en



    Came to celebrate my birthday and wedding.This was my second year returing to this Hotel, the first time was fabulous! This time not so much, My husband and I got treated like second class citizens by a security staff member and I didn't appreciate it. My feelings are truly hurt by the way we were treated and I wouldn't have expected that out of this hotel. A Very special night was ruined for my husband and I at our stay last night. We will never return and I recommend sensitivity training for your security staff members. I can say management was helpful and I appreciate that.

  • en

    Keri Chapman


    Love this place... stay here whenever I'm in Portland. Great location, ez access to downtown and Saturday Market. Comfortable, well appointed rooms....free breakfast is tasty and diverse. Custom omelettes are money! Nice pool/hot tub... adequate gym.

  • Clayton C.

    Clayton C.


    The Embassy Suites is a beautiful old building with original and authentic charm and finishes that are wonderful but also a distraction and hold the place back from its potential. The room was small and tight. The elevators were excruciatingly slow (we often opted to hike six flights of stairs over waiting for the elevator- and successfully beat the elevator!). The restaurant is in the sub basement and really feels dank and dingy (not sure why they don’t use the large empty room off the lobby). The pool was in the basement and really needed a facelift (fresh paint would have really made a difference). Now for the upside - location is good. The breakfast isn’t bad with good choice and an omelette bar. The happy hour is a great option with free beer/wine/select well drink(s) and some snacks/bar food. Overall the Embassy Suites is a nice place to stay but not an upgrade over other places in the area.

  • en



    Good hotel. Comfy and spacious room (for two). Great evening drinks and snacks. Lots of options for breakfast. Friendly and helpful staff. Location is OK. Thanks for letting us borrow a phone charger when ours stopped working.

  • de

    Jürg D. Lüthard


    Das Restaurant und der Frühstücksraum im 2. UG ist etwas eigenartig. Keine Bar im EG.

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