Senshi Okami Martial Arts Center w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSenshi Okami Martial Arts Center


brak informacji

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544, East 171st Street, 10456, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 917-477-5836
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8366108, Longitude: -73.901099

komentarze 5

  • Abraham Gonzalez

    Abraham Gonzalez


    Excellent instructors. Stern and kind and definitely not push overs. The instructors approach the art from a real life perspective and teach floor work so that it reflects real life scenarios. My son (5 years old) is learning Japanese terminology, discipline and technique. The space is clean and organized - plenty of parking in the area, close to public transportation. Classes are top notch and the kids have fun. The instructors stress seriousness but are patient to no end. Class sizes are very decent and there are typically 2 - 3 instructors involved. The whole feel is very communal and instructors keep in touch with parents using class dojo. I highly recommend this studio, money and time extremely well spent.

  • en

    Aisha U


    My son has started attending this school back in March. Since then there's been a big improvement in his handling situations at school. We both like this Martial Arts school, there's a nice welcoming atmosphere for children and parents (guardians).

  • Johnny Tineo

    Johnny Tineo


    Best place in NYC for your child to learn martial arts, they learn respect , manners, strength learn to be responsible and respecful they different kind of martial arts but I choose Judo for my son. And I'm happy with it...

  • en

    Danny Nunez


    Great place to train and great ambience to bring your children to become the beat they can be in Martial arts! Check it out it! You will be happy you did!

  • Phillip Harper

    Phillip Harper


    This is a family oriented Dojo, I've been training here for a while now. Even when I've stop I was always encourage to come back and I did... Learning so much from them here.. Its really a great place to train and grow.. Nothing but good vibes as well as good people!!!

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