Retro Fitness w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneRetro Fitness



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1231, Edward L Grant Highway, 10452, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-391-0926
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.836654, Longitude: -73.9226821

komentarze 5

  • Chana Marte

    Chana Marte


    Great gym for busy people and beginners. Clean with nice staff

  • en

    Christopher Soto


    I've been going to this gym for about 5 months now, I must say though it has its advantages and disadvantages. When I first started I was impressed by the different variety of machines this gym had to offer. However, since the past few weeks a few of the machines has broke down and yet no solution was made. I came from many gyms before this one such as Planet Fitness & Blink. I must stress though that things such as this would occur in the gym because every machine is used to a certain extent, but this gym has shown no effort to fixing these problems. In those past gyms I came from they would have the same issue but have it resolved within the next week. I really do like this gym and the atmosphere but something must be done about these broken machines. Why am I paying each month to go to this gym to workout if I can't do the workouts I would like to do. I'm slowly becoming a displeased customer.

  • en

    Starquesha Thompson


    Great place to work out love the class the trainers for the classes are awesome you will sweat protein bar movie room weights lifting the ppl.make you feel comfortable people are really focused on their own workout

  • QueenIsis Boyce

    QueenIsis Boyce


    Cool. Ronald mcdonald colors, but its all good. Tbouvh i wish they had a Body Steamer, is all.

  • Mildre Rodriguez

    Mildre Rodriguez


    If I can give less than one star I will. First time taking a time to write a review ever but this gym deserves it. When I signed up for this gym I specific ask if I can cancel anytime, they said yes. I went to cancel last week and I was told I have an agreement and needed to wait a year to cancel which is the first thing I asked when I enrolled. Anyways two front lady took care of me which had no clue to look into people account and explain to their customer payment agreement etc. I just left and decided to look online into my own account which it was more helpful to me. You can not cancel your account online or over the phone you have to go in person, but when you do they don't want to close your account because you have an agreement. I was looking at my agreement and I don't see where it says I need to be a member for a year to cancel. Its like they just want to take people money. I will never use a retro fitness ever in my life I have years using other gym and had cancel with no problem but this one its a joke.

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