Schulman Health Insurance Brokerage LLC w Rockville Centre

Stany ZjednoczoneSchulman Health Insurance Brokerage LLC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

330, Sunrise Highway, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-632-5225
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6569865, Longitude: -73.6418561

komentarze 5

  • en

    Russell DAntonio


    Mr. Schulman and his staff were professional and knowledgeable. Their service was invaluable as we had been dealing with a less experienced broker who was not as versed on insurance options to successfully meet our business needs. We visited Shulman Insurance and within minutes they solved our problem quickly, efficiently and professionally. Juliana and staff were superb and I look forward to working with them. If you're looking for an insurance broker search no further!

  • en

    Brandie Ilsen


    Jonathan will go to bat for you! He was very patient with my problems. I had a denied claim. He filed the appeal for me and kept on them till we found out how to resolve it. He followed up with both the insurance company and myself. He talked me off the ledge more than a few times. He goes the extra mile.

  • barry vineberg

    barry vineberg


    I was totally unhappy with the broker I was using previously and I decided to switch to Jonathan @ Schulman Insurance. What a great decision that was. Even though I have a relatively small group of about 15 lives, Jonathan and Joyce treat us as if we were a 250 person group. They are so helpful whenever we have a question. If we need them to help with a quick response from the health carrier, they step in and take care of it expeditiously and with authority. Best decision I could have made was switching to Schulman Insurance. If you want a broker that is knowledgeable, and caring, call Jonathan.

  • Ambar Cardenas

    Ambar Cardenas


    Jonathan and his team provide amazing customer service. Both he and Joyce are very professional and friendly. With their help, our company (200+ employees) has been able to administer our health insurance plans with ease. The team is very responsive and willing to help with any request, big or small. I would highly recommend Schulman Insurance Brokerage LLC without reservation.

  • Linda Weaver

    Linda Weaver


    I cannot even imagine navigating any of the complex situations which Joyce and Jonathan do effortlessly. The most important thing to me is customer service. In a world where no one ever gets back to anyone or seems to care about servicing a customer, Jonathan and Joyce stand out as amazing beacons of service. I cannot recommend them enough.

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