Allstate Insurance Agent: Alexander Anderson w Rockville Centre

Stany ZjednoczoneAllstate Insurance Agent: Alexander Anderson



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530, Merrick Road, 11570, Rockville Centre, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-544-2022
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.654309, Longitude: -73.6341217

komentarze 5

  • en

    Steven Reeve


    Alex with Allstate insurance is awesome and I have no worry's about them and they will work with you and make sure you have the right policy that fits your needs. There Great. God Bless them. Great bunch of people #1 in my book.thank you

  • en

    Linda Howarth


    Alex was very easy to work with, easy to understand policies for both my home and auto. He was able to get me much cheaper rates than my previous insurer. Very satisfied.

  • sylvestre duplan

    sylvestre duplan


    I was amazed the way Alexander’s office treat me. I can call the office anytime. They are always happy to help me and made sure they save me money unlike others. Please ask for Diane or Alex

  • Debra Walrond

    Debra Walrond


    Very happy with my Auto Insurance Company, Allstate. Everyone is very pleasant and professional at all times. Due to their “beside manners”, that’s the reason why I’m a long time customer. I couldn’t ask for anything more of how they handle my personal customer service business. I salute you guys!

  • en



    The staff are incredibly nice, friendly, knowledgeable and professional at the Same time. I would not go elsewhere even if I got an offer to pay less money for my policy. Things are very tight for me financially at the moment. When you are Truly in the Best Hands, YOU stay. Never be penny wise and Dollar foolish. Alex is a rare find in today’s market. Choosing insurance with his Agency , speaking from experience, look no further, this is an outstanding Agency !

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