School House Kitchen and Libations w Arvada

Stany ZjednoczoneSchool House Kitchen and Libations



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5660, Olde Wadsworth Boulevard, 80002, Arvada, Jefferson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 720-639-4213
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7999878, Longitude: -105.0812619

komentarze 5

  • joseph myers

    joseph myers


    Really enjoyed this place. The bourbon collection is second to none, for being in Colorado. Food was excellent and tasted excellent too. Service was top notch. You will enjoy yourself here for sure. Tables are a tad bit small and cramped, but all in all, excellent place. I will definitely be back

  • Liza C

    Liza C


    Great atmosphere and food was delicious! The drinks menu was robust and varied as well. They stick with the "school house" theme for decor and menu naming which is fun and not too cliche. Portions are MASSIVE, which makes the prices more than reasonable. Service was great and quick. 10/10

  • Michelle Ka

    Michelle Ka


    Just had dinner and drinks with friends the other night. Food was great, drinks too, but decorations were my favorite part. Highly recommend the wings and trying the cocktails. The chicken and waffles were pretty good but it was impossible for me to eat as a sandwich and I ended up deconstructing it to just eat the chicken.

  • Clemens Wan

    Clemens Wan


    What an incredible find while walking in old Town. Great Whisky selection and the brunch menu is just ridiculous. Country style breakfast flatbread smothered in gravy is amazing. Also a big fan of the mac and cheese. Can't wait to come back and try more selection. Really beautiful space and great for groups.

  • Britany Hoppes

    Britany Hoppes


    Delicious Bloody Mary. Quick and good service. Good could have been a little better but overall it was a 5 star experience. We were really just trying to have some drinks. He loved his meatloaf I just was not a huge fan of the sloppy joe. Really cool glasses for the beer and you can buy for only 5 dollars.

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