Kickin Wings w Wheat Ridge

Stany ZjednoczoneKickin Wings



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4990, Kipling Street, 80033, Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-425-6825
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 39.7866324, Longitude: -105.1087714

komentarze 5

  • Danny Galvan

    Danny Galvan


    I was disappointed with my experience at this restaurant, which claims to be a family business. The staff were unprofessional, with one employee in an old Adidas tracksuit giving me a rude look and seeming unwilling to take our order.The food was cooked in a timely manner, but when he did give us our order, he wouldn't even make eye contact as I tried to thank him. He rushed off as if he were in a hurry We ordered 20 wings, fries, mac and cheese bites, and a drink, which came to a total of $48.34. We were also charged for two very small cups of ranch dressing, which is usually complimentary at similar establishments. In addition to the unprofessional staff and high prices, the wings we ordered were also disappointingly small, and I was given a bad looking carrot with small pieces of celery as well. Although small, the wings were tasty. To top it all off, the person I assume to be the owner who was wearing a "kickin wings" outfit parked in a handicap spot right up front, came in and started taking orders. Overall, my experience at this restaurant was unpleasant due to the unprofessional staff, high prices, and small portion sizes. I would not recommend it.

  • Nikki Sweetalla

    Nikki Sweetalla


    I'm sad I'm full. Haha seriously the best wings I've ever had. The homemade fresh cut fries and homemade ranch would be enough to get me back but the wings are super saucy, crispy, and the sauce flavors delicious. The wings are just divine! Totally worth the price. The staff was very pleasant. I will be making this a regular place.

  • Alan Hunt

    Alan Hunt


    Had an awesome experience celebrating my brother’s birthday tonight at Kickin Wings! Plenty of sauces to choose from and they were all delicious but, unlike other places, Kickin doesn’t skimp on ‘em. The home cut fries were insanely good- especially dipped in the sauces, my 14mo. old niece loved the mac bites, and the dessert brownies were addicting and were compliments of the incredibly friendly owner (an awesome woman with an equally awesome Audi Q8) for my brother’s bday. A low-key place that’s absolutely worth stopping in.

  • Jenson



    Pros: Amazing wings Unique and stylish decor Friendly and attentive staff Large portions Reasonable prices Cons: I don’t live close enough They have inspired and layered flavors that are absolutely delicious! If you’re in the area it’s a must to check out!

  • Kristina Maynard

    Kristina Maynard


    Cute home style decor matches the made from scratch menu. Awesome selection of sauces and sides to accompany the wings. Family owned and operated, we felt like family the moment we walked in.

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