Salon 37 i East Islip

Forenede StaterSalon 37



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37, West Main Street, 11730, East Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-581-6000
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7310915, Longitude: -73.1922905

kommentar 5

  • Nathaniel Everyman

    Nathaniel Everyman


    Don't listen to that guy Joe Russo below. All of his reviews give every salon a 1 star rating. Laurie is very professional and has an excellent attitude. I go here for a haircut every month and have not been dissapointed.

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    Sharon Syed


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    JOSEPH Russo


    Laurie is unprofessional and rud if you can't cut someones hair the way they asked you shoud tell them not every man wants the same basic mens hair cut for the money your solon charges I could get the same for alot cheaper at a barber shop just because you don't know how to cut my hair the way I asked you shouldn't make the customer fel like he's crazy or uncomfortable.I went to another solon to try to get it fixed they said it was a basic mens hair cut not even close to what I asked for if you didn't know how to cut my hair just be honest and tell me so unprofessional stay away beware

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    Pamela Schneller


    Excellent service, great stylists

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    Shazia Luqman


nærmeste Skønhedssalon

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