Heart and Soul Wax i East Islip

Forenede StaterHeart and Soul Wax



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84, West Main Street, 11730, East Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-446-4133
internet side: heartandsoulwax.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.730362, Longitude: -73.194706

kommentar 4

  • Tracy Calvacca

    Tracy Calvacca


    Alicia is the BEST!!! I do not trust anyone else with my brows or with waxing any other part of my body. I get compliments all the time on my eyebrows from people. I have been a client of hers since 2011 and I am so proud of her for opening up this beautiful wax studio. She knows her stuff when it comes to wax and skincare. I love the exfoliator she makes also. It is all natural ingredients and leaves my skin silky smooth and no ingrowns!

  • Janine Santorelli

    Janine Santorelli


    Love this place! Tricia did my first Brazilian wax a few years ago and i have been going to her ever since! She occasionally does my brows when i need them and does the best job. She truly listens to what i want and delivers. I would highly recommend going to her for any waxing preferences because she not only does a good job but is knowledgeable about the skin care and aftercare of getting waxed!

  • Courtney Ocasio

    Courtney Ocasio


    The staff are very nice, but my wax experience was not good here. I got a Brazilian by Tricia. I was burned by the wax, left with swelling and a scab down below, if you can imagine what that’s like, and I still had hair when I got home!!! I wouldn’t come back.

  • en

    Sylvia Broomes


    There's no one else I'd trust my brows to!

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