Royal St. Charles Hotel i New Orleans

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRoyal St. Charles Hotel



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135, Saint Charles Avenue, 70130, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 504-587-3700
internet side:
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Latitude: 29.9523562, Longitude: -90.0699578

kommentar 5

  • frenchie johnson

    frenchie johnson


    Front desk staff Donna was awesome. Felt like family. Made sure we were well taken care of. Hotel was small though. Great location. 3 stars if it wasn't for Donna.

  • Dustin Turner

    Dustin Turner


    Very nice place right in the center of the city. They have nice rooms and the service is great. This is a great place for the price, and if you want stress free parking I would recommend paying for the parking they offer you. It was my first time in New Orleans and this place made it easier for me. Highly recommend.

  • Antonio Helm

    Antonio Helm


    Pro: kind of funky 70's vibe Con: kind of '70's vibe.The location is perfect. The staff makes this hotel. Its' very clean andd the staff is a wealth of local expertise. I will return amazing service

  • en

    David Adams


    Very nice functional lobby. Coffee vendor on one side. Attractions concierge desk. I like the sitting its public but with enough privacy at the same time. And concierge desk of course. I enjoyed the setup layout

  • Tony Glaude

    Tony Glaude


    We enjoyed spending time at this hotel. They accepted our cat, which was great. It was next door to a nice casin, which was great for my wife. I was there for a Submariners meeting, and this was a better option than the one reserved for us. The hotel was clean, and the staff friendly. The price was reasonable for downtown New Orleans. It was near many of the attractions.

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