Roche Bobois w Washington

Stany ZjednoczoneRoche Bobois



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5301, Wisconsin Avenue Northwest, 20015, Washington, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 202-686-5667
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.959192, Longitude: -77.084649

komentarze 5

  • en

    S B


    Worst customer service ever! Never buy something at Roche Bobois, you will regret it if there is an issue with the new stuff. I bought a floor lamp (together with a bed, night stands and a sofa), and only 2 weeks after I received it I found out the lamp has a switch issue. I keep asking them for a solution but they have not sent a technician or found a solution. They do not even respond to my emails. The funny (or sad) thing is their own employees are who gave 5 stars Google fake reviews below (see Arjun Chaudhary and Taina). Both work at the Washington DC location, call there and ask for them. I took a photo in case they delete their own reviews. It seems I am not the only one complainig, check @ Pissed Consumer. All had the same disaster follow up customer service experience. Or check @ Glassdoor for employee review.

  • Eric Fernandez

    Eric Fernandez


  • Arjun Chaudhary

    Arjun Chaudhary


    Awesome furniture.




  • en

    En Google-bruger


    I was afraid that the salesmen at Roche Bobois would be arrogant and that it would be a posh store. Actually I was given a warm welcome and got advised by an interior designer who gave me an idea of all the possibilities there were for my living room… Long story short, after an on-site measuring and a few appointments I ordered the furniture for my living room. I received it about 2 or 3 months later, a long wait, it’s true, but worthy! Nothing bad happened during the delivery, and now it’s been a few months and I have no bad comments to do. The salesman that had taken care of my order even called me not long afterwards to make sure everything was all right!

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