Ritz Cafe & Bar i Phoenix

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterRitz Cafe & Bar



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212, West Osborn Road, 85013, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-595-4444 ext. 4700
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.4879434, Longitude: -112.0768459

kommentar 5

  • en

    David Chavez


    Had a phily cheese steak. It was awesome! Chef came out ask how was my meal was. What great customer service! Highly recommend ritz cafe to anyone that wants to eat great food.

  • Tina Eichenour

    Tina Eichenour


    Best food and service. Love the Mediterranean flavor. I had the shrimp kabob and my son the the New York strip. Absolutely fresh and very well prepared. I highly recommend stopping in for a nice dinner on the patio.

  • en

    wajid khan


    The best burger i ever had in my life, the chef has some amazing skills, my buddy ordered stake and it was bomb, they got some great hookah too, must try!

  • LadyMayhem Valo

    LadyMayhem Valo


    This place is great! The owner is an extremely nice guy! He made our food and it was SO delicious! He chatted with us and asked us about our trip and how we were doing, very nice guy! Good quality and hospitality. High recommend this place (especially the burgers!!)

  • Daniel Hyam

    Daniel Hyam


    Great fast service. Great food located inside Ramada. The food has a surprisingly unique taste from the new chef after the new opening. Don't forget dessert! Hookah was available at the outdoor patio.

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