Alexi's Grill i Phoenix

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterAlexi's Grill



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3550, N Central Ave, 85012, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-279-0982
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Latitude: 33.4892568, Longitude: -112.0743532

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dee McEntire


    Great happy hour prices on food and quality bibations. Older crowd but I always take along younger friends to keep me entertained.

  • Dan & Bri's Adventures

    Dan & Bri's Adventures


    Nice little place. I was worried about parking in downtown but they have a parking lot with plenty of parking. I got the special for lunch and it was amazing! The service was spot on. Fast friendly service. There are so many more items I wanted to try from the menu. I will be going back here again!

  • Toni Jien

    Toni Jien


    This was a new find for us, I had a bachelorette dinner there. It's low key but upscale like, lots of regulars, beautiful ambiance and classic italian. The food was AMAZING. prices were super reasonable. Menu option was great.

  • FrostyTuna



    Went in at around 6pm on a Monday. Wonderful atmosphere, not too busy, the staff were all attentive and kind. The food was very delicious. Highly recommended if you are in town and want a great place to have a very enjoyable dinner.

  • en

    Jay Dingler


    Food here is excellent. Had a rack of lamb which was prepared perfectly and to die for. The place is so busy however that frequently they get things wrong. Yesterday we all ordered entrées and they forgot to bring the soup/salad in advance before the meals. They offered to bring them when we asked, or substitute for dessert instead. They do make it right when the make mistakes. Friendly staff too, just be prepared to wait for a table. We went on a Friday and returned on Saturday for dinner again. It's very good.

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