Ridge Dental Group PA en Montvale

Estados UnidosRidge Dental Group PA


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70, Chestnut Ridge Road, 07645, Montvale, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-391-1444
sitio web: www.ridgedentalgroup.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.052831, Longitude: -74.069518

comentarios 5

  • en

    Bob Moto63


    My family and I have been going to Dr. Morse for all our dental care for 20 years. He is an expert in his field and runs his office in a totally professional manner. He also has a good sense of humor and his friendly manner puts you at ease the second he walks in. The staff is equally friendly and professional. If you have to go to see a dentist, you can't do better than here.

  • M Ebner

    M Ebner


    Love everyone there

  • Jose Rivera

    Jose Rivera


  • en

    Heather Schaefer


  • Dawn Wtulich

    Dawn Wtulich


    I've been a long time (15 years) client of Dr. Morse. I have followed him across the State of New Jersey and now travel about 65 minutes one way for visits. Both he and his staff are well worth the trip. Marge and Terry are the first smiling faces you see when you walk through the door. They definitely go above and beyond in their positions, and deal quite effectively with red tape of insurance companies. Janet is Dr. Morse's right hand ~ efficient, attentive, and compassionate. As for Dr. Morse, he is super detailed and makes sure his patients understand each step along the way. He has a fabulous bedside manner, terrific sense of humor and completely understanding when it comes to patient's fears/concerns. He is the first dentist to have my utmost respect and admiration and I wouldn't go anywhere else.

Dentista más cercano

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